Kindle 3G – Change the Way You’re Reading

For years and years I have been reading actual books just like anyone else and even when the Internet spread to every household and office I didn’t think we will start reading from the computer, giving up on books and magazines, after all it’s not so comfortable reading from a computer screen, you don’t want to carry it with you everywhere, a book will always be an easy way to read and the right way for it.

There is another way now and I have recently discovered it. When I first heard about the Kindle 3G wireless reading device I was skeptical and was sure it’s another gadget that soon will be replaced by another gadget and that is it, just like all products, they are always replaced by newer ones.

I was wrong. To this moment when I write this post, the Kindle 3G is one of the hottest and most sold products online all over the world. I guess when hundreds and thousands of people search for it in Google and purchase it, there must be something I overlooked. I’ve decided to take a closer look at it and here is what I found out about it and its benefits:

  •  Books – It can store up to 3,500 books in it, that’s more than enough. You can’t and don’t want to carry 3,500 books with you but when you can have them with you inside a single Kindle device, that’s a huge plus.
  •  No Need for a Book Store – This is probably the best feature of the Kindle 3G, it comes with a free 3G + Wi-Fi technology built-in, so you can download any book and magazine you wish anywhere in the world in 60 seconds. No more waiting for your books to arrive or ordering out of stock books, just download them anywhere in the world with this fine technology already included.
  •  Battery – You can also read your favorite books even if there is no electricity around since the battery can last up to a month and that’s a lot.
  •  Reading – You can also read from the Kindle 3G in bright sunlight since there is no glare, so you can take it with you anywhere, anytime to replace the actual books you don’t want to carry.
  • Size – It’s small, thin, light and weights only 8.7 ounces which is less than an actual paperback but has enough reading area size of 6”. So that’s 3,500 books that weight only 8.7 ounces, amazing!

These are only a few of the benefits of the new Kindle 3G wireless reading device but they are the major ones that help you understand how your reading experience can change and for the best. Eventually I bought the Kindle for myself after I understood that it has more benefits and advantages then disadvantages. I no longer have to look for a book store, I don’t have to decide which book or several books I want to take with me when I’m out of the house, I just take the Kindle with me and get any book I want anywhere in the world with 3G + Wi-Fi.

My doubts are long gone and now you understand why the Kindle 3G is one of the most searched and bought items online today, finally a device worth getting to simplify life - this is true technology at its best.

About the Author:
Learn more about the new Kindle 3G wireless reading device and read a comprehensive Kindle 3G review to know everything you need about the product.


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